Hello from NYC!

I'd like to introduce you to Martin and Uwamubona, the children my mom and I sponsor in Rwanda through World Vision. In February I went to Rwanda with a team from my church here in NYC. We went to build houses, to continue to build relationships and also to meet our sponsored children. It was amazing. It changed my life in a way that I could not be more excited about and it stirred desires in me that I cannot wait to pursue. One of these desires is to be an advocate for getting more children sponsored in Rwanda.

Martin and Uwamubona live in the village of Nyamegabe. It's one of two villages that my church has been highly involved in over the past couple of years. Through our small congregation we've seen over 700 children sponsored in our villages...but there are so many more children who need sponsorship. Being there I got to see first-hand the difference that sponsorship makes. We'd be on the worksite surrounded by kids and you could literally point out ones who had sponsors -- they'd have shoes and most importantly, be wearing a school uniform.

As an independent artist in World Vision's Artist Associate Program,
I am asking you to consider sponsoring a child in Rwanda!

Sponsoring a child only costs $35 a month and it provides clean water, nutritious food, health care for the child and his or her siblings, AIDS prevention and the opportunity to go to school. Since I became a sponsor I have never once worried about that $35 (and those who know my finances know that I live on a pretty thin shoe-string). The absolute best part is that I have seen with my own two eyes where this money goes. I have looked into the eyes of the World Vision employees in Rwanda, and I know that these people are out there in the field being our hands and feet in a country in need of such simple things that our $35 a month can provide.

Most importantly though, I've met these two little lives in person. I spent a whole day hiking up those jeans on Martin and wiping Uwamubona's nose. We danced, we sang, we laughed and we ate together. They are in my heart for good, but they were there long before I traveled halfway across the world to meet them. They've been there since I picked out there faces on a wall cover with packets of child needing sponsorship. I truly hope that you can experience this same connection by becoming a sponsor.

The process is easy. If you are interested in sponsoring a child simply click here to visit World Vision's website and start today! You can also register to be a sponsor at one of my shows. Because I am a part of World Vision's Artist Associate Program, I have sponsorship packets available every time I perform and share about my love of Rwanda. If you have any questions or concerns please email me.

I cannot wait to see what the future has in store for Martin, Uwamubona and I -- and I hope that you'll join us on this incredible journey. Maybe the next time I go to Rwanda you can come with me to meet your child.


P.S. I'm headed back to Rwanda THIS February (2009) with another
child to meet...My mom started sponsoring Uwamubona's sister!!

© 2009 Ashley Jones